Apollo's Photo Gallery

Date of Birth: 12/11/2022 • OFA Hips: Fair (AS-45086F24M-P-VPI) • OFA Elbows: Normal (AS-EL19062M24-P-VPI) • OFA CHIC #: 202912
OFA Patellas: Normal (AS-PA1640/13M/P-VPI)OFA Eyes: Cleared Feb 17, 2024 (AS-EYE6090/14M-VPI) • OFA Dentition: Full/Scissors (AS-DE826/18M-VPI)
Blue Merle Male (Red Factored) • D Locus: ClearE Locus: Clear S Locus: Clear
CEA: Clear • CD: Clear • CMR1: Clear • DM: Clear HSF4: Clear • HUU: Clear • MDR1: Clear PRA: Carrier
AKC #: DN74050401 • ASCA #: E233523 • AKC DNA: Pending • ASCA DNA: Pending

Owned by Kait Hollinger & Vera Symonds • Bred by Vera Symonds & Tammy Warren & Jillayne Parnell


Introducing Apollo, the standout pick puppy from the repeat Uber x Skye litter. He shares an impressive lineage with his full siblings, Hylia, Cane, and Ellie, who come from the first Uber x Skye cross.

Apollo has shined in the show ring with his owner, Kait Hollinger, proudly finishing his AKC Championship completely owner-handled. His achievements at the 2024 USASA National Specialty are particularly noteworthy, where he won the 15-18 Month Dog class and secured 2nd place in the 15-18 Month Sweepstakes class. His success continued as he clinched Best of Breed at a Supported Entry during his first weekend as a special, already making significant strides towards his Grand Championship.

Apollo is not just a champion in the ring but also a joy at home. His ground-covering side gait, stunning headpiece, and goofy personality make him a true delight, and he reminds us so much of his dam, Skye.

Apollo is now standing at stud to approved health-tested bitches. For more information, please contact his owner, Kait Hollinger at Kaitlyn.hollinger@gmail.com. Keep an eye out for this exceptional team as they continue to make their mark!



AKC GCH ASCA CH Brewedstone's Designated Driver AKC GCH Sirius Copper Still of Harmony Hill AKC GCH Sirius E-Z Pass AKC GCH Bayouland's Big EZ
AKC CH American Heiress By Sirius
CH Harmony Hill's Vanilla Sky HOF ASCA CH AKC CH Halifax Prince of Tides GV-O JV-O RV-O
HOF BISS ASCA CH AKC CH Harmony Hill's True Lies
AKC Oakdene's Honeysuckle RA CAA BCAT CGC ATT BIS CKC GCH BISS ASCA CH AKC CH Harmony Hill's La Bamba BISS ASCA/AKC CH Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI ROMX-III ROM-C-II
HOF BISS ASCA CH AKC CH Harmony Hill's True Lies
AKC/ASCA CH CH Oakdene's Sweetbriar AKC CH Echo Lake Caught Red Handed
AKC CH Echo Lake Bonnie Blue Mosaic
AKC GCH Hightide Shadomoon Set Fire To The Stars CD RN CGCA ROMX-I ROM-C-I BIS BISS Multi CH AKC GCH Schaefer Vinelake Impulsive CGC ROMX-III ROM-C-II BIS ASCA/AKC/UKC CH Vinelake Absoloot UpTheAnte CGC TDI DNA-CP BISS ASCA/AKC CH Stormridge's He's All That CD TDI ROMX-III ROM-C-II
Darwin Manape AllThatMatters
AKC/UKC CH Friends Midsummers Eve Koala-T BISS AKC/ASCA/CKC CH Blue Isle's Sure I'm Famous DNA-VP
Friend's and Cedars Hotstuff
AKC/UKC/ASCA CH Goldcrests Too Buzz'd To Concentrate ROMX-II ROM-C-II ASCA/Lux/Eur CH Melody's Hard to Concentrate CH Melodys Aldebaran At Hifive
Melodys Whirlwind
ASCA CH Goldcrests I Candy for Xanadu HOF CH Mcmatts EZ Victor
BIS Int'l/AKC/ASCA CH Windfalls At Long Last ROMO-I ROMX-I



Copyright © 2024 Hightide Australian Shepherds. Design by Jillayne Parnell