Fiord has proven to be a dog who really can "do it all!" At his very first AKC show in 4-6 month Puppy Class in Syracuse (Fall of 2016), he was 5 months old and took 2nd in the Puppy Herding Group. His next outing at an AKC show in Syracuse, NY, Fiord took Best of Winners for a major win from the 12-18 month class! He currently has 5 points and one major towards his championship, handled by Stephanie Winters.
He earned his first performance title in June 2018 in Barn Hun. He was entered just for fun and won first place in all of his classes and got a High in Class and a title. He was then entered into an Open class because he titled out of Novice so quickly and he won that class too with a very fast time! He is now titled in the Open class and is currently working towards his Senior title, with First Place wins from the Senior class as well.
Fiord has also been doing some dock diving competitions in 2018 and he has proven himself a natural at that as well. He earned his “DS” title back in July 2018 (Dock Senior which are dogs jumping 15’-19’11”). Not long after, he got his “DM” title (Dock Masters which are dogs jumping 20’-23’11’). His season average is 20’2“ and his Personal Best was 21’3” during the 2018 season. He is currently ranked the #10 Aussie in the country for dock diving (through NADD which is the organization AKC is affiliated with).
Fiord's first herding trial was out in Lebanon, CT at the Northeast Stockdog Association (NESA). The judges, Carol Ann and Jim Hartnagle, both said that the caliber of dogs at that trial was exceptionally high and the facilities were second to none in the country. He not only got a qualifying run, he came in 2nd place in Started Course A Ducks both Saturday and Sunday under both judges. He also passed his Herding Tested runs on sheep both days, under both judges. He earned his 3rd leg for his Started title down in Berryville, VA at the Blue Ridge Herding Association’s trial where he received 2nd place with a scored of 85.5 under judge Cynthia Knowlton.
Huge thank you is in order to his owner Jackie for going above and beyond with this special dog. The future is bright for him! |